Aaron Hughes, our warehouse manager, is Comer’s employee of the month for September! Aaron has played a critical role in the recent modernization of our warehouse. Our warehouse is more efficient and more effective than ever before, thanks in large part to...
Trey Beck, congratulations! You are the employee of the month for the second time! Trey has been an outstanding addition to our management team. Keep up the great...
Melanie Funderburk is our employee of the month for June 2021! Mel has done a great job wrangling all of the pricing from 100+ suppliers and communicating it to our retailers. Accurate and timely pricing is absolutely critical to our supplier/retailer relationships...
Andreu Bodiford is our employee of the month for January 2021! Andreu has consistently shown an exemplary dedication to his work and our company since he started with us last May. He always finds work that needs doing and is in our warehouse on time and ready to...